The famous director of theater and cinema – about simplicity and complexity.

“I recall this phrase in different situations – personal and public. She is that incredible complexity is hidden inside simplicity. For example, war is a monstrous simplification of relations between countries and people, a cave response to the drama of life. But this simplicity is illusory – the military conflict creates an avalanche of unpredictable consequences. In general, if you change optics a little, the simplest things can shock or inspire. For many, thinking, the ability to imagine and create are the things of their own. But for me, consciousness is a miracle. And life too – an ordinary miracle. Watching a person, I try to remember that his materiality is illusory, that he actually consists of vibrations, that is, in fact, from music. You already understood – I’m talking about the popular quantum physics of strings theory. Elementary particles familiar to us from school are not balls, but vibrations of tiny strings, which may also be intangible. But, perhaps, Einstein’s thought inspires me at the minutes when poetry comes to me. The magic of poetry, in my opinion, is just this: the recombination of simple words creates new, unprecedented meanings and impressions ”.

* Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel laureate. The phrase in the original sounds like this: “EVERYTHING SHOULD Be as Simple as it is, but not simpler” (see. S. Price “1001 Smartest Things Ever Said”, Globe Pequot, 2005).

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